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Peter Garcia Saracho
"A Soldier's Journey" 

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This is a story dedicated to my Pop, who served in the Army during World War II from 1943 to 1944. He enlisted in the Army on September 8, 1943, three months after graduation from Lincoln High School. He did his boot camp training up at Camp Roberts, California, located on both sides of the Salinas River in Monterey and San Luis Obispo County. There, he trained among 430,000 men and boys. The following year, on January 7th, 1944, he and the men in his company were shipped out overseas to Anzio beach in Italy. He was listed under the Infantry and Artillery Division.

My Pop never spoke to me about the war, until one day when we were watching a war movie on TV, and I asked him what he remembered. He told me simply, "The men as they were dying, crying for their Mothers!"

Helvetica Light is an easy to read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Pete in front of his barracks.png

Pop, took this photo, outside his barracks

Pete & Sargent Rifle Training.jpg

My Pop excelled in academics and learn the three  fundamentals of War. Discipline, Technique and Execution. In this photo, he's in the artillery- field range, in a ground position, firing at his target, under the watchful eye of his Gunnery sergeant. 

In the early morning hours of 22 January 1944, "Operation Shingle," under, VI Corps of Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark's Fifth Army, landed on the "Anzio Beachhead, on the Italian coast, below Rome and established a beachhead far behind the enemy lines. My Father, his brothers, were among the Fifth Army's offensive.  Anzio beachhead was the scene of one of the most courageous and bloody dramas of the war. The Germans threw attack after attack against the beachhead in an effort to drive the landing force into the sea. Fifth Army troops, put fully on the defensive for the first time, rose to the test. Hemmed in by numerically superior enemy forces, they held their beachhead, fought off every enemy attack, and then built up a powerful striking force which spearheaded Fifth Army's triumphant victory, from January thru June, thru Nettuno and Monte Casino and eventually Rome. My Father, his men and so many other soldiers, were among the dead and wounded! I'm so proud of my father, his brothers and all the soldiers that fought courageously during those battles. My Father was among the wounded and awarded the purple heart!

Band of Brothers.png


My Father and a few of his buddies and his brothers, took this photo in front of a demolished building, only a half hour, after it was bombed in a small village in Italy! l wish I knew where these men were now, so I could thank them for taking care of my Father and for their service! “This photo in front of a demolished building, only an hour, after it was bombed in a small village in Italy! Hero's all!

US Army hospital at Nettuno, South of Anzio

This Photo of Pop, was taken with Fellow officers, taken just outside the hospital. Pop is pictured with his right arm in a sling, where he lost part of his right thumb. Fortunately, he was ambidextrous and many of his letters, he wrote home, were written using his left hand!



                                  1965 to 1975


My Pop worked was very talented ,a great Artist and Designer over forty years in the Aerospace and defense industry, Douglas, General Dynamics, and Hughes aircraft! He started as an illustrator, then an accomplished Graphic designer, specializing in "Air Brush!"  In the mid sixties he worked in the Music industry in Hollywood. In the seventies, he opened up his art studio and office, “Saracho and Associates,” in 1965 to 1977. His office was located, in the "IVAR TOWER", IVAR and YUCCA, caddy corner to a famous, "HOLLYWOOD REHEARSAL STUDIO," where many famous artists rehearsed their music, on the corner of "YUCCA and IVAR, just up the street from CAPITAL RECORDS. Pop did layouts for  many clients at" Capital Records,  DORIS DAY, FRANK SINATRA, NAT "KING" COLE,"  "BEACH BOYS," NANCY WILSON,  COUNT BASIE and his Orchestra, and a host of other famous artists! Later in the eighties, he worked on the EPCOT PROJECTORS, for THE WALT DISNEY STUDIOS! (IT'S A SMALL WORLD)! My Father worked long, enduring hours, during those formative years in the development of  new exploration in space as well! Our country's space program was at it's peak!  My Pop was on board the new frontier of design, for our Country!  He always made sure our family was safe, and secure! Such dedication, devotion, and inspiration, for me and many young, aspiring artists! I remembered, he taught me three fundamentals!  "Discipline, Technique and Execution!” “You’ll  always and forever be my bedrock!” I love you Pop!


After writing to the department of Veteran and waiting for almost 3 years, I received these medals in the mail, below awarded to Pop.  I discovered to my surprise, he received many more medals, including the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, European African - Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and Bronze Star attachment, World War II Victory Medal, Combat Infantry Award and Honorable Service Lapel Button . I don't even know if Pop, realize he received the Bronze Star. Pop! I love you all the more!


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