Here is a compilation of some of the shows I've performed, during my musical journey. I will add more as I look over my Video collection. Enjoy! This and the show just below was a performance I did over at the Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple,
Dr. Jorge Estrada
This was a show I did in front of Bruin Walk at my alma mater, UCLA. This concert features two of my favorite musicians I wanted to meet when I returned to my roots in East Los Angeles- guitarist Steve Medrano and bassist Juan Perez. Sam on Drums, Fernando on Congas, Pete Perez on Vocals and Bongo, Paris Escovedo on Timbales!
This was a performance Redbone did over at the Masonic Temple on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles.
I was proud to have Tony, Danny, Carl, Joe, Yolanda and a special guest conga player and drummer!
Here's a show I did with the band Azteca. I'm proud of the music compositions, performed this evening were written by me. This composition was entitled, "Fuiste Tu! (Was it You)
This is one of my favorite shows. This was a show we did at the "Billboard, in West Hollywood," originally known as "Gazzarri's, on the Strip! I had the privilege of working with the late great Tony Bellamy, Lead Vocals and Guitar and Pete DePoe on Drums! The evening was very unusual! We wound up with the Redbone Trio, that evening! Turned out pretty spectacular! "Uptight," was a great number!
Rebecca was another great song, we performed that evening! Tony Doubled on Bass Guitar, while I doubled on Keyboard Bass.